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No exact matches. Location codes 181-200 of 916 similar to 32PA:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
NZWE Kauaroa Bay [Heliport], Auckland, NZ
SAZT TDL Tandil [Héroes de Malvinas Airport], B, AR
OEBA ABT Al-Baha [Al-Baha Airport], Al Bahah, SA
SADP EPA El Palomar [El Palomar Airport], B, AR
WAWB BUW Baubau (Bau Bau) [Betoambari], Sulawesi Tenggara, ID
MJR SA14 Miramar [Miramar Airport], B, AR
FQMD MUD Mueda [Mueda Airport], P, MZ
CYCB YCB Cambridge Bay (Iqaluktuuttiaq) [Cambridge Bay Airport], Kitikmeot, Nunavut, CA
VNBW BWA Bhairawa [Gautam Buddha], P5, NP
SLLC Laguna Colorada [Laguna Colorada Airport], Sud Lípez, P, BO
KBYY BBC BYY Bay City [Bay City Regional], Texas, US
KBKV BKV Brooksville [Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional], Florida, US
SJF Cruz Bay [Cruz Bay SPB], St. John, Virgin Islands, US
SHBP La Estrella [Bahía Los Primos Heliport], Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins, CL
SWTD Água Boa [Fazenda Sete de Setembro], Mato Grosso, BR
BHL Bahia de los Angeles, Baja California, MX
CPG Carmen de Patagones, B, AR
KBBW BBW BBW Broken Bow [Muni/Keith Glaze Field], Nebraska, US
FQMP MZB Mocímboa de Praia [Mocímboa de Praia Airport], P, MZ
MRPK Osa [Papa Kilo Airport], P, CR

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