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Great Circle Search


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No exact matches. Location codes 261-280 of 901 similar to 32PA:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
GQNE BGH Boghé (Bogué) [Abbaye Airport], MR
SLLL La Laguna Loa [La Laguna Loa Airport], José Ballivián, B, BO
SLLB Las Brizas [Las Brizas Airport], B, BO
SKBS BSC Bahía Solano [José Celestino Mutis Airport], Chocó, CO
MRCC OTR Coto 47, Puntarenas, CR
SLHB La Habana [La Habana Airport], Cercado, B, BO
FLKY ZKB Kasaba Bay, Northern, ZM
SAAA San Antonio de Areco, B, AR
VNDG DNP Dang [Tulsipur], P5, NP
FYMB Meob Bay, Hardap, NA
VRMD DRV Dharavandhoo Island [Dharavandhoo Airport], Baa Atoll, MV
SWHY Rondon do Pará [Fazenda Boa Esperança I], Pará, BR
ZYJZ JNZ Jinzhou [Jinzhou Bay Airport], Liaoning, CN
MRLY Parrita [La Yolanda], P, CR
SLLD La Cañada [La Cañada Airport], José Ballivián, B, BO
SLEZ La Esperanza [La Esperanza Airport], Moxos, B, BO
NVSM LNB Lamen Bay, Épi Island, Shéfa, VU
KCZL CZL Calhoun [Tom B David Field], Georgia, US
EDA Edna Bay [Muni], Alaska, US
LA98 Venice [West Bay SPB], Louisiana, US

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