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Location codes 21-40 of 484 in Minnesota, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
MY10 Spring Grove [Deters Farms Airport], Minnesota, US
62MN Taylors Falls, Minnesota, US
KONA ONA ONA Winona [Muni/Max Conrad Field], Minnesota, US
KAEL AEL AEL Albert Lea [Muni], Minnesota, US
KBDH BDH Willmar [Muni/John L Rice Field], Minnesota, US
KMZH MZH Moose Lake [Moose Lake Carlton County Airport], Minnesota, US
KFBL FBL FBL Faribault [Muni-Liz Wall Strohfus Field], Minnesota, US
KDXX DXX Madison [Lac Qui Parle County Airport], Minnesota, US
KDYT DYT Duluth [Sky Harbor Airport], Minnesota, US
KJYG JYG St. James [St. James Muni], Minnesota, US
KINL INL INL International Falls [Falls Intl/Einarson Field], Minnesota, US
KBRD BRD BRD Brainerd [Brainerd Lakes Regional], Minnesota, US
KTVF TVF TVF Thief River Falls [Thief River Falls Regional], Minnesota, US
KMGG MGG Maple Lake [Muni-Bill Mavencamp Sr Field], Minnesota, US
KCBG CBG Cambridge [Muni], Minnesota, US
KJKJ JKJ Moorhead [Muni/Florence Klingensmith Field], Minnesota, US
KSBU SBU Blue Earth [Muni], Minnesota, US
KGDB GDB Granite Falls [Muni/Lenzen-Roe-Fagen Memorial Field], Minnesota, US
KAUM AUM AUM Austin [Muni], Minnesota, US
KFFM FFM FFM Fergus Falls [Muni/Einar Mickelson Field], Minnesota, US

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