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Location codes 81-100 of 484 in Minnesota, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KPEX PEX Paynesville [Muni], Minnesota, US
KDVP DVP Slayton [Muni], Minnesota, US
KCHU CHU Caledonia [Houston County Airport], Minnesota, US
KMML MML MML Marshall [Southwest Minnesota Regional Marshall/Ryan Field], Minnesota, US
KAXN AXN AXN Alexandria [Alexandria Regional/Chandler Field], Minnesota, US
KETH ETH Wheaton [Muni], Minnesota, US
KRGK RGK Red Wing [Red Wing Regional], Minnesota, US
MY89 Pine City [Pavek Personal Airport], Minnesota, US
KLVN LVN Minneapolis [Airlake Airport], Minnesota, US
KROS ROS Rush City [Rush City Regional], Minnesota, US
KORB ORB Orr [Orr Regional], Minnesota, US
KMVE MVE MVE Montevideo [Montevideo-Chippewa County Airport], Minnesota, US
KOWA OWA OWA Owatonna [Owatonna Degner Regional], Minnesota, US
KSYN SYN SYN Stanton [Stanton Airfield], Minnesota, US
KRRT RRT RRT Warroad [Intl Memorial], Minnesota, US
2MN2 Jacobson [Dreamcatcher Airport], Minnesota, US
KCDD CDD Crane Lake [Scotts SPB], Minnesota, US
KLXL LXL Little Falls [Little Falls/Morrison County-Lindbergh Field], Minnesota, US
KBDE BDE BDE Baudette [Intl], Minnesota, US
30MN Albert Lea [Mayo Clinic Health System/Albert Lea Heliport], Minnesota, US

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