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Location codes 21-40 of 272 in North Dakota, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KBWP WAH BWP Wahpeton [Harry Stern Airport], North Dakota, US
NA98 Scranton [Dilse Airstrip], North Dakota, US
ND42 Sawyer [Warren Pietsch Airport], North Dakota, US
8ND0 Sarles [Amble - Tiger North Farms Airport], North Dakota, US
ND53 Ayr [Pueppke Airport], North Dakota, US
KHZE HZE Hazen [Mercer County Regional], North Dakota, US
KBWW BWM BWW Bowman [Bowman Regional], North Dakota, US
NA49 Rugby [Paul Airstrip], North Dakota, US
05D New Town [Muni], North Dakota, US
6L3 Lisbon [Muni], North Dakota, US
NA71 Tappen [M Bodvig Airstrip], North Dakota, US
KGAF GAF Grafton [Hutson Field], North Dakota, US
ND46 Bismarck [St. Alexius Med-I-Port Heliport], North Dakota, US
Y37 Park River [Park River - W C Skjerven Field], North Dakota, US
3P3 Mott [Muni], North Dakota, US
4S5 St. Thomas [St. Thomas Muni], North Dakota, US
4F9 La Moure [La Moure Rott Muni], North Dakota, US
S25 Watford City [Muni], North Dakota, US
8J7 New Rockford [Tomlinson Field], North Dakota, US
D49 Columbus [Muni], North Dakota, US

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