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Location codes 61-80 of 484 in Minnesota, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KEVM EVM EVM Eveleth [Eveleth/Virginia Muni], Minnesota, US
KVVV VVV Ortonville [Muni/Martinson Field], Minnesota, US
KROX ROX ROX Roseau [Muni/Rudy Billberg Field], Minnesota, US
KCKC GRM CKC Grand Marais [Grand Marais/Cook County Airport], Minnesota, US
KPNM PNM Princeton [Muni], Minnesota, US
KPQN PQN Pipestone [Muni], Minnesota, US
KADC ADC Wadena [Muni], Minnesota, US
D39 Sauk Centre [Muni], Minnesota, US
KJMR JMR Mora [Muni], Minnesota, US
KFOZ FOZ Bigfork [Muni], Minnesota, US
KFSE FSE Fosston [Muni/Anderson Field], Minnesota, US
KHIB HIB HIB Hibbing [Range Regional], Minnesota, US
KTKC TKC Tracy [Muni], Minnesota, US
KAQP AQP Appleton [Muni], Minnesota, US
KMKT MKT MKT Mankato [Mankato Regional], Minnesota, US
KSAZ SAZ Staples [Muni], Minnesota, US
KDTL DTL DTL Detroit Lakes [Detroit Lakes/Wething Field], Minnesota, US
KCKN CKN CKN Crookston [Muni/Kirkwood Field], Minnesota, US
KVWU VWU Waskish [Muni], Minnesota, US
KGYL GYL Glencoe [Muni], Minnesota, US

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