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Location codes 1-20 of 484 in Minnesota, United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KMSP MSP MSP Minneapolis [Minneapolis-St. Paul Intl/Wold-Chamberlain], Minnesota, US
KFCM FCM FCM Minneapolis [Flying Cloud Airport], Minnesota, US
KANE ANE Minneapolis [Anoka County/Blaine Airport (Janes Field)], Minnesota, US
KMIC MIC MIC Minneapolis [Crystal Airport], Minnesota, US
KDLH DLH DLH Duluth [Intl], Minnesota, US
KRST RST RST Rochester [Intl], Minnesota, US
KSTP STP STP St. Paul [St. Paul Downtown Holman Field], Minnesota, US
KTWM TWM Two Harbors [Richard B Helgeson Airport], Minnesota, US
KRWF RWF RWF Redwood Falls [Muni], Minnesota, US
KRYM RYM Camp Ripley [Ray S Miller AAF Airport], Minnesota, US
0MN1 New Prague [Mayo Clinic Health System - New Prague Heliport], Minnesota, US
KULM ULM ULM New Ulm [Muni], Minnesota, US
KSGS SGS South St. Paul [Muni/Richard E Fleming Field], Minnesota, US
KSTC STC STC St. Cloud [St. Cloud Regional], Minnesota, US
KBFW BFW Silver Bay [Muni], Minnesota, US
8Y4 Lino Lakes [Surfside SPB], Minnesota, US
MY18 Lino Lakes [Lino Air Park], Minnesota, US
MN24 Lino Lakes [Surfside Airport], Minnesota, US
25D Forest Lake, Minnesota, US
MY77 Robbinsdale [North Memorial Heliport], Minnesota, US

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