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Great Circle Search


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Location codes 1-20 of 20547 in United States:

ICAO  IATA  Other  Location
KSEA SEA SEA Seattle [Seattle-Tacoma Intl], Washington, US
KLAX LAX LAX Los Angeles [Intl], California, US
KSFO SFO SFO San Francisco [Intl], California, US
KJFK JFK JFK New York [John F Kennedy Intl], New York, US
PHNL HNL HNL Honolulu [Daniel K Inouye Intl], Oahu, Hawaii, US
KORD ORD ORD Chicago [Chicago O'Hare Intl], Illinois, US
KMIA MIA MIA Miami [Intl], Florida, US
KDFW DFW DFW Dallas-Fort Worth [Intl], Texas, US
KBOS BOS BOS Boston [General Edward Lawrence Logan Intl], Massachusetts, US
KEWR EWR EWR Newark [Newark Liberty Intl], New Jersey, US
KATL ATL ATL Atlanta [Hartsfield/Jackson Atlanta Intl], Georgia, US
KIAD IAD IAD Washington [Washington Dulles Intl], District of Columbia, US
KIAH IAH IAH Houston [George Bush Intercontinental Airport], Texas, US
KDEN DEN DEN Denver [Intl], Colorado, US
KLAS LAS LAS Las Vegas [Harry Reid Intl (McCarran Intl)], Nevada, US
PANC ANC ANC Anchorage [Ted Stevens Anchorage Intl], Alaska, US
KOAK OAK OAK Oakland [San Francisco Bay Oakland Intl], California, US
KPHX PHX PHX Phoenix [Phoenix Sky Harbor Intl], Arizona, US
KPHL PHL PHL Philadelphia [Intl], Pennsylvania, US
KMSP MSP MSP Minneapolis [Minneapolis-St. Paul Intl/Wold-Chamberlain], Minnesota, US

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